Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas Time In The City!

Just wanted to touch base and say Happy Holiday's to you and your's! Be blessed in the new year and don't make impossible goals.  I plan to blog more! (LOL!)  See you real soon - I've been sewing my butt off and so it's about time for me to post something! Not until after the holidays - I'm so tired.

Thanks for visiting and in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger - I'll be Bock!

Talk Soon

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chicago or Bust!

Have habit will travel!

Hello All!!

Today my son and I return home from LA. I'm here visiting a friend and supposedly working but unfortunately, didn't get any work done. So we came up with a plan to get done what I was supposed to do.  Such is Life. But while I was here I:

Ate Korean Style - Sooooooo good!
Fabric Binged - Soooooo Great!
Attended 3 birthday parties in one day - Sooooooo Unusual.

I will be blogging about what I brought (oh my!) and what I've been doing - Working! My techie business is really doing well right now and I'm glad!  Hard to find time but again such is life.  Stay tuned and thanks for visiting!  I miss this!

Talk Soon Carol

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Video Killed the Radio Star!

Long Time No Hear From!

Here is my first installment on Video! More to come Enjoy!!

Burda Style 7220    McCall's 6612

Shouts out to Kelly @ Sew Tell Me! She's a Diva rock'n the hell out of a Maxi Dress!

Leave me a comment, don't leave me hang'n!
Talk Soon Carol

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

To Save Money. . .

Looking Back and Realizing

I started sewing back in 2002. My son was only two years old, very much so a toddler. I was laid off my job and needed something to do. So into JoAnn I went (to buy buttons). I saw a sign for sewing lessons. I figured since I was laid off I had a few free Wednesday's coming. So I took the plunge.  I signed up for a class and I was hooked. Being a lover of  "Outfits" I thought, if I get good at this, I could make and wear whatever I want! Ooooooh, the money I'd save making my own clothes.  So, that is what fueled my passion. (or was it the money I could make?)

I was reading a sewing blog and the blogger talked about saving money and sewing. (Hmmm?) Have I really saved any money? Have I saved any time? I mean sewing is my therapy, don't get me wrong but now, when I'm asked why I sew I'll tell people - I sew because I love it.

 I used to say "I love it and it saves me so much money GURL!" 

I have sewn professionally for 10 years. I've had my work published in magazines, displayed in major retail stores, worn on plenty of folks, taught countless folks to sew and Tailoring school. Which means - sewing as a professional cost lot's o time and money.  I own several machines (and killed a few) $$$$. My iron's cost a mint! $$$. I'm about to purchase my 3rd ironing board. Patterns up the wahzoo! (Can't resist a $.99 SALE!) Zippers and Buttons and Trim-oh my, Zippers and Buttons and Trim-OH MY! $$$. Books, Books, Print outs and more Books (Now I have a Kindle$$, No more room for Books!). A fancy book shelf, file cabinets, a sewing desk and a cutting table. Digital camera, Dress form (gotta have a dress form) A gazillion pairs of scissors, threads (Lot O'thread!), Dr. visits (Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow), two Net-Books, One Lap-top and my stash is as tall as six Treeeees!!
Vogue patterns are on sale at JoAnn end of this week. Let's not even talk about all those shoes I've $$purchased$$ to match my OUTFITS!!!

Now that I'm out of the "professional" sewing business, I'm going to see if I save money. 
Talk Soon Carol

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Birthday 2 Me!

What did I get? How did I celebrate?

It's my birthday today and I am blessed.  I got a few nice things:  a new grandson, Lots O'Facebook wishes, out with friends on Friday, my family is well and $20 to buy much needed gas and some patterns! I'm easy to please. It's a good day.

thanks for reading!

I've been sewing but not posting. :-(  I'll get in some pics, reviews later this week!  I have great pics of my grandson.  I'm now a Grandiva!

Talk Soon Carol

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Sundress Story


This dress has quite a story. Wonna hear it? Here it go. . .

I first saw this lover-ly lace fabric about three years ago.  I thought it was so pretty.  Well, time went by and I never used it.  I only had a yard.  About two years ago I came across the "flower" fabric at Walmart. It had been marked down to $.50 a yard. I had to have three.  Didn't know what I was going to do with it nor was I in love with it but I just couldn't leave it there, not at that price.  So, last year during one of my JoAnn tranquility trips I saw the striped fabric and had a "I have the match fabric" fit in the store. I sat down at the pattern table and saw Simplicity 2642 (OOP) and the idea of this dress was born.  I was on a SUNDRESS MISSION! (que the music.)

After cutting out the pieces, I started the bodice.  It's interlined and lined with white batiste. I sewed the straps and back ties in the wrong places (switched) and this quickly became a wadder - no, hell freezes over (I don't throw those away.)  Last month (one day in June) I decided to finish this dress. I got the bodice corrected and fitted then came the skirt.  I pinned all the pieces together, saw the pattern picture with all those damn gathers and I forgot if I altered it - So back to the pile it went - until this morning.
My husbands family reunion was this weekend. When I saw my in-laws yesterday, they inquired about my clothes. I didn't have on an outfit I made. I had to redeem myself at the reunion dinner today.  So here I am in my Sundress. (And we had a little sun today too!) I took these pics when I got home.
Click on pics for a larger view!

Here are a few more detail pics modeled by my dummy lady.  The dress was super comfy (I did alter the skirt) and I got lots of complements. I redeemed myself and I finally finished this dress!!!!!! 

And last but not least the shooze - I luv espadrilles!

I was asked would I ever wear this dress again.  Some folks know me all too well! 

Talk Soon

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fall Vogue Patterns R Here!

Patterns. To Buy or Not To Buy, Again?
That is my question.

I was lurking in the blogosphere and noticed that Vogue's Fall Line has hit the web. I always seem to find out late.  But, the local sale has not happened so I'm not going to worry about it.  Frankly, it's been to damn hot to think about "Fall Fashions" and not to mention I don't want to yet.  Here in Chicagoland the winters are not very nice to us so 100 degree weather is OK I guess. (I can always make a swimsuit and sit in cold water!)

Anywhoooooo. . . Since the new patterns are out, I have been trying (Oh TRYING) to go on a pattern diet. I have tons and tons and tons of patterns.  I get like a Stepford Wife when the patterns are on sale.
(Oh, this is nice! Ooo how Lovely! Oh, it's only .99 cents!) So, instead of turning into a hoarder - I'm trying to cut back. Since my last McCall's binge (they have so upped their game) I have decided to just buy what I need, crave, jones don't have.  Meaning - look closely at the line drawing and notice the styling for the current time.  With that said, here are the Vogue's I absolutely have to buy:

VVE 8835 - DKNY 1313, 1322 - VEO 8829 (luv this one).
Although I have several capes - well, this is Donna Karen (and the matching dress - WUT!?).
I own some skirts but this one is good for my body type and the only one I own like this is a short version. the printed dress - I just luuuuuv that! (Swoon!) and I don't need another dress but this one is like (I need intervention.)

Let's face it, these are revised repeats but, the marketing department is da bomb!  Here are some oldies but new lookies that I have had for a long time:

V8833  V8839 V8824
I love the styling on the creme dress.  I've had this pattern for about 8 years and didn't know what to do with it.  Now I do. LOL!  Anywhoo, thanks for listening once again. At least I didn't mention cooking chicken.   
 Have you made any picks? Let me know what you think!
Talk Soon Carol

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July Ramblings!!

Happy July Everyone!

I was here on the Internet reading blogs and checking email and decided to post @ 12:50 AM.

My brother and his wife brought pizza over for dinner.  A thanks for picking up their boys from day camp. I mentioned it was nice to have them over for dinner. (But, I didn't supply the dinner.) I gotta work on that!

I'm attending a job fair in the morning. I don't have an appropriate blazer to wear. I have one "cut out" but I'm blogging now.

I should be making a blazer for the job fair. I don't have a white collared shirt. I hope Tim Gunn's not reading this. He would be Perplexed. (As I am.)

My hubby is back to work. He's doing well. I'm glad he's fine and back to work. (Tee hee)

I am dying to make a polka dot dress!

I have a suit "cut out" for job interviews and job fairs. It's sitting in my sewing room waiting for a turn. I really want a polka dot dress.

I bar-b-qued, barbqued grilled outside yesterday. It was really good. No pics - we ate it to fast! If you read my blog regularly you know it was - chicken. (Again.)

The heatwave is over but it will be back again. 5 more wonderful days in 90 degree heat. I got a swimsuit from Old Navy.  Its to big. (eye roll)

I need a swimsuit, a work suit, a blazer, a white collared shirt and a polka dot dress. (Not necessarily in that order.)

I killed a spider on my own today. If you know me, you know that's BIG!

I should be in the bed or making a blazer - not blogging! (Thanks for reading!)

My son still likes to hold my hand in public and he still kisses me on the cheek. (he's 12) I know, I know, I know!!  That's why I'm posting!

Here I am in my Mimi G. Maxi Dress Tutorial outfit!  Great Tut! I wear these a lot! I need another one.

Did I mention I want a lace dress too!

Talk Soon Carol

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!!!

Everyone have a safe and Happy 4th!! 
For all of you in the "HOT" zones stay cool.  This is check on your grandma weather!

Simplicity 2222 "SUEDE Says"

Click on the pic so you can see the cool buttons!

Quick and easy to make! Great for beginners.  Hope it keeps me kool!!!  Enjoy your day!!!

Talk Soon Carol

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello Readers!

I have been out of commission for quite some time.  A lot has happened on the home front and everything is almost back to normal.  School's out and the DH has been home so, I've been tied up and my sewing room off limits! (Not to mention my totally wrecked mojo!)

 Anywhoooo. . .

I had some fun events to attend which means - outfits to sew (which helped my mojo) now I'm about ready to blog away.  I have enough blogging material for at least 5 posts!!! (YAY!)  My son is at a sleepover so I'm "gettin it in" before he I have to pick him up.
(Personal Rant)
I have finally taken the personal oath. No more custom projects for others!!  I have one outfit to do for my stepdaughter and then - I'M DONE!!!   I still will do a "simple" alteration or two and I have a grandson on the way but, the custom customer thing is so OVER!  When your mojo is dead and folks are calling about garments they don't want to pay top dollar for, need I say more.  I'm so sick of  hearing "I want something SIMPLE" or "Now, I don't have a lot of money but, can you make this fab creation I have in my head without a pattern?" (I could go on for hours!) It's nice people think I'm talented and I "look" rich but  -

I'm so DONE! Ya Feel me?!

Simplicity 2413
I saw the inspiration skirt on Pinterest and thought this would be great for the Pattern Review RTW (Ready to Wear) contest. The original price was $405! (yeah right!)

Well, I didn't enter because I wasn't able to finish in time to meet the deadline.  I decided if I was going to copy this skirt, I should take my time and do it right so I did and I have a great skirt!  Here are pictures of the building process:

I joined the fabrics/pinked edges before cutting. Added faux pocket flaps, a tie waistband and it's fully lined.

I had issues with this skirt.  I originally had the skirt completed and it was to tight at the waist!  Not sure what I was thinking not altering it first but I had to remove two pleats from the back and put on a new
waistband.  I tried to find fabric but couldn't and had to use the "old damaged" waistband.  I worked it out and came up with the "tie" alternative.  I like it more, adds character but almost became a wadder! (LOL!)

Here's the compare.
 The pink fabric was gifted - the red fabric $2.50 yd. I used about a yard so the final cost including zipper is about $4!!!

After all that work, it took me two effin months to finally wear this skirt. I went to a bar-b-que yesterday and thought "the weather is good. I'm wearing my skirt."  I got my T from Wal-Mart for $3.88.  Some folks thought I was wearing a dress then realized it was a skirt.  The color match was good.

I'm so pleased with my project! It's been posted but now finally blogged!

Oh and the shooooze - my son missed my feet! (LOL)

Talk Soon Carol

Friday, June 8, 2012

I Just Can't!!!!

I can't find my sewing/blogging mojo!!!

I have had so much going on! My hubby has met a few challenges and I'm on the job hunt!  I have not had the time to do much of anything!  Just wanted to touch base with my readers and say

I'LL BE BACK!!!! (In my Terminator voice)

I'm attending a wedding this Sunday and all my day dresses are not clean so I need to make a new one.  So, I guess I'll blog about that.  (Hmmm. . .) Also, I need to get off my tookus and make a suit to interview in. (Navy or Grey?) See. . . projects like this take my energy. (LOL!) 

Hi to my new readers!!! (old one's too!)

Talk Soon Carol

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!!!

I have bee a blog M.I.A.!!!  Let me first apologise.  I do have some projects to blog but lately I have not had any time to do it.  Soooooooo, stay tuned, I promise next week will have some new stuff!!!  In the meantime in between time - THANKS FOR READING THE OLD STUFF!!!!!!!!

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday and enjoy your extra day off!!

Talk Soon Carol

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May Ramblings!

Hello Everyone It's May! Time for ramblings!

I'm sitting here not really wanting to blog about clothing but it's a sewing blog so WTH?! I have pictures of some projects and a work in progress.

My son will be done with school in two weeks. (OMG! I'm not ready!)

Janet Jackson and NutiSystem (She's Gorgeous!) not inspiring. (LOL!)

Roasting chicken leg quarters for dinner today. (Chicken again!)

I have to paint my nails. What a chore!

My son kissed me good-by and said "have a good day mommy". So I will. (lol!)

I hope I finish my projects today.

Got a hunk of "ugly fabric" as a gift. Turns out it's not ugly at all!

Got my new Threads magazine in the mail. I read it the same day. Now I have to wait another few months for the next one. But, I will use it for the new "placket" info.

Made two dresses from Mimi G's dress tutorial! I love them!

MimiG's Tutorial Maxi Dress

Joined Pinterest and I now have another "website" I have to check.

I ordered some fabric online for my daughter's maternity outfit. I'm about to become a Grrr, Grraa GRRR. I can't say it.

I watched a show called "Who The $*%^ Did I Marry!" LOL!!!  No, it's not a comedy but REALLY?!

I actually purchased a shirt from the store!!!  Felt kinda good!

I'm attending a Kentucky Derby Party!  Gotta hat and errrr thang! (I'll blog the dress on my next post.) 

I have a big bag of (easy) alterations and two dresses for other's to complete and I'm still sewing for myself.  (I gotta stop sewing for folks!)

Well, I guess I should get back to work!

I have a ton of patterns - let me know if you would like some. We can talk about shipping but I'm giving them away!  Leave me an email or sidebar message! (First come first serve until they are gone! Spread the word!)

I made the this skirt for the Pattern RTW contest and didn't get in it. WTF! 
Supposed contest skirt. The original is $400!

My KD hat! Some UFO's and my current W.I.P that is neglected while I blog!
Thanks for listening reading!
Talk Soon Carol

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One Arm Madness & Vogue Summer Picks!

Chocolate Satin!

Lately, not sure why, I'm loving the one arm look. Seems like everytime I go out I see at least one person with one on and it always looks sooooo nice.  Now, I have two but, they are part of "outifts".  So last week my sister-in-law wore one.  Hers was adorable! I decided to make one - not as a part of an outfit but just to have one.  When I complemented her she said - Just make one, you make everything else.  LOL!!  She's right so I did. I pulled out M6118 and read pattern review for it.  All the tops were so cute! Inspiration was hap'nin sooooooooo - - -

Here it is:

What do I wear with this?  Any suggestions?  Leave me a comment!!

Sleeve and neck detail.  See my new labels!
This top was easy to make. I got distracted so it took two days to finish. I used a poly charmeuse from Vogue Fabrics. I will definitely make another but not sure what fabric to use.  I have so much stuff!!  This project works best with a drapey fabric. (gotta lotta that too!)  (Check out my knock off on Pinterest!)

Vogue Summer's R Here!

I was poking along, taking a break from my sewing and I checked my email. (now, I'm blogging and didn't mean to!) Vogue Summer's are out - I wasn't really feeling them but they go on sale here in the Chi again this weekend.  I won't be spending a lot of money but I will be getting a few.

Here are my picks:

V8813-Marcy Tilton (has great potential)

V8808 - Cute! Cute! Cute!

I'm really digg'n this dress!! V1301
V8804-Gotta make a Chanel!

Solid w/Flat Sandals and bold color belt!!
 V1293 and V1284
These are from the Spring and I'm still trying to decide. Hmmmm.
Well I guess I'll get my cash ready. $28 more dollars.  I'll be tap dancing for my lunch. - LOL!! What about you?!!

Talk Soon Carol

Friday, April 20, 2012

Polka Dots!

Giveaway Winners!

Ok, so I had no idea how hard it was to giveaway free stuff!  Sorry it took me so long to get this done with but I got caught up! (that's so easy to do!) I guess you guys are a lot like me. (don't need any more stuff)  Well anywhooo - I picked names anyway.  My winners are Evoni V and Alethia!  Congratulations!!!  Thanks everyone for reading and I encourage you to leave comments and join as a member.  OK, now on to my review. . .

 Quick Contemporary Color block

McCall's 6400
This was a fast sew!  Front/Back one piece sew and fold hems! I made this shirt after reading a few reviews about how quick is was to construct.  I originally had another pattern picked for this fabric but you gotta go with your gut sometimes.  (or the fact that it's almost time to leave and I don't have a thing to wear) The fabric is an ITY I picked up at the Chicago Textile Warehouse.
I used a double needle to finish all hems on the shirt.
I did add the sleeve in red (a scrap I had) and made it a little bigger to hang off the shoulder.  I did the XL. I think next time I'll make the neck a little wider because the "hoochie factor" I wanted, didn't happen. But I wore it anyway.  I pictured it with the red skirt because I may wear this tomorrow. (LOL!)

This pattern was super duper easy peasy lemon squeezie so beginners take heed. So, here is how I wore it:

I hate it when you can't see my hairdo I paid for! LOL!
My pants are Liz Claiborne and my shoes are 5yrs old - First time wearing them (I'm shame!)

oooh, a quick post!
Talk Soon Carol

Friday, April 13, 2012


Thank Ya-Thank Ya, Thank Ya-Thank Ya!

I'd like to thank everyone for visiting my blog and checking out what I've been making. To celebrate my 4000th hit and a year (+) of blogging I'm having a giveaway! cause everybody else does I will pick two winners. You  will need to do two things to enter:
  1. Become a member of my blog. (Yes, a sign up bribe in disguise!)
  2. Leave a comment about what you like about my blog, how I can improve, topic ideas, video blogs, tutorials or just a hey, I worship you. (breath - Whew! Don't forget your email links)
WHATEVER! (just keep it clean and short- LOL!) What are the prizes you say?  Well you're just gonna have to sign up and win to find out. (te he he) OK! I'll tell a part of one prize: On my page there's a "My sister sells AVON" link.  Well, she does and she's given me this to add to the punch.

I really like this stuff! It smells good and it doesn't make me itch! (You won't need an Ocean-ah of Calamine lotion-ah) Avon has come a long way! The new nail polish is to dy fowr! (gum chewing wink) 

Anywhoooooo. . .(in Royal Bluuue)
Thanks Again and Good Luck to yooou!! - Winners on Saturday!!

My lil "winners" picker!

Talk Soon Carol

Zipper and Collar Workshops!

Join Me on August 23rd and August 24th for my Collar and Zipper Workshops!  **Class size is limited to 30 Per Class! - First Come First Ser...