
Monday, February 6, 2017

Carol's Sewing Corner - Facebook Group

Hello Everyone!  Thanks for visiting my blog as I have some "New" news!

I have created a Facebook Group! My personal FB page was being infiltrated by my sewing peeps! That's a good thing, but lots of my peeps don't sew! So, I decided from this point on I would have a home for sewing peeps and my regular and old skool peeps would have a place on my regular page!

 (But really tho, oil and water just don't mix!) 

Okay! If you Sew, Crochet (which I'm trying to teach myself)
Craft and enjoy my blog, come on over and join my sewing group!
How cute is this 'lil Crocheted Sewing Machine!

I'm not quite sure what's in store yet because this baby is so new, but I can tell you this, we share tips and projects and have fun posting. When you join, come on in and introduce yourself and let us know what your craft passion is and what you are up to! Follow me on Facebook above and I hope to see you there! If you already belong - Thanks for joining!!
No Pressure, just fun and I hope you learn something too! (I plan to!)

I've been sewing! My mojo is on go but not off the chain (which is fine with me). Here's what's on my table! How long its going to be there has yet to be determined! ROFL!!!

Talk Soon Carol